20 Gardening Hacks That’ll Change the Way You Garden Forever

These 20 clever and easy Gardening Hacks are so useful that using them can change the way you garden forever.

1. Grow rose cuttings in potatoes

If you want to help your rose cuttings to survive, you might want to use potatoes. All you need to do is place the cutting in a potato before you put it in soil, then add some extra moisture from the vegetable, because this will help you garden a beautiful rose plant.

2. Fit wine bottles to water in pots

Take any screw-top wine bottle and poke a hole through the cap. Fill the bottle up with water and bury the neck upside-down into the soil. This irrigation system will slowly give your plants water as they need while also showing off your amazing taste in wines. This is a win-win situation. Or should we say wine-wine situation?

3. Use paper towels for watering plants when away

There is a very easy way to water plants when you are out of town, and it makes use of paper towels and water filled jars. Its easy and you have to merely roll up a few paper towels like ropes and then, put the ends in the jar to soak them with water. Now, dunk one end of the towel into the pot, near your plant. This will keep the soil moist for a long time.

4. Make plant markers with broken pots

5. Plant mosquito repelling plants

If you have a mosquito problem affecting your garden and areas nearby, then, here is a very clever and easy way to tackle them. Plant such herbs that are repelling to mosquitoes and keeps them away. There are plants like lemongrass, catnip, lavender, rosemary and garlic that are helpful as these deter these pesky blood suckers with their repelling fragrance.

6. Protect your plants from pests by using eggshells

The sharp edges of the shells will deter the snails, slugs and other pests. The shells will serve as the barrier and these pests and will scare insects and pests away from your garden!

7. Use an old ladder to grow your plants

8. Use rain barrel to collect water easily

9. Easy DIY garden stone markers



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